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課堂簡介 Class Descriptions

Hatha Yoga

Ha可解作日,Tha解作月,Hatha 就是日與月,陰和陽,任何相輔相成的兩個對立面。Hatha Yoga 以鍛練身體兩極相等的靈活性和力量,讓身體進入平衡狀態。Hatha Yoga 練習如何控制身體(式子練習  Asana)和呼吸 (調息法Pranayama):式子練習使身體各機能有序運轉,增加身體力量、柔韌性及改善內臟機能;調式法即呼吸練習,改善心肺功能、排走毒素、靜化身心。課堂以Pranayama 的練習開始,然後由頭至尾的Asana 練習,大休息作結。​

The word “hatha” can be translated as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance. Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation. Class starts with Pranayama, then from top to bottom Asana sequence and ends with Relaxaion. 

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga(流瑜伽,或流水瑜伽)可以說是Ashtanga Yoga 的簡易版,強調運動與呼吸的和諧性。Hatha Yoga 於每一個動作/式子後都會加入休息,相反Vinyasa Yoga 練習時,動作/式子組合如水流動,每個動作/式子之間使用不同的連接體式(如下狗式等)串聯,整個練習一氣呵成,體力消耗亦相對較大。Vinyasa Yoga 著重身體的伸展性,力量性,柔靭性,耐力和專注力;編排變化多樣,與Ashtanga Yoga 相比,身體條件要求較低,可調節以適合不同人群。

Vinyasa Yoga is a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, in which breath and poses/asanas are connected. While Hatha classes tend to focus on one pose at a time with rest in between, Vinyasa Yoga string different poses together with a "vinyasa" (eg. Downward Facing Dog) to make a sequence, and requires a certain workout. Vinyasa Yoga sequence is creative and flexible while Ashtanga Yoga has a strict structure and precise set of rules, which makes it more user-friendly to general public.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga 是一種被動,安靜的瑜伽鍛練,(或說)主旨源於古代中國哲學家老子的"陰陽","無為"的哲學思想。與Hatha,Vinyasa 等訓練肌肉強度的動態瑜伽相比,練習Yin Yoga 時,身體處於被動狀態。透過長時間的靜止動作,配合緩慢的呼吸,今身體的締結組織-肌腱、筋膜、韌帶-得到深層舒展,促進關節循環和增加柔軟度。

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced, passive style of yoga with postures, with the applies of Taoist concepts of yin and yang and wu-wei. When practicing Yin yoga, body stays passive, with a long held of posture and slow steady and easy breathing,  it applies moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of stimulating PNS, increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. 

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga 結合Yin Yoga 的靜態伸展,Hatha Yoga 的專注力和肌肉訓練,以及Vinyasa Yoga 的流動式子。練習時身體各部份均得到參與,然而對肌肉強度和身體柔軟度的要求相應較低,適合初學者練習。

Gentle Yoga is a combination of Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga. Class starts with a gentle Yin yoga stretch, then comes with a Vinyasa flow, eg. Sun Salutation with variations and ends with a few Hatha Yoga postures. Throughout the class, the whole body is involved with a minimum requirements of muscle strength and flexibility. Suitable for beginners!

Aerial Yoga



Aerial Yoga is a whole body training. Suspended in a swing, it facilitates bending and stretching of the whole body during exercise, which makes typical Yoga poses be executed with more ease and comfort; muscles and joints will be strengthened and rehabilitated, and the spine decompressed as the body hangs freely

People with eye problems, heart issues, high blood pressure are recommended to consult with their doctors first!

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra 是一種身體處於睡眠與清醒之間,透過攤屍式 (仰卧) 進入到有意識深層的放鬆狀態​:練習者處於有意識的​狀態,而不是真正的進入沉睡。練習時,練習者全身放鬆,集中注意力於聽覺上,聆聽導師的口語指令。聆聽並跟隨導師的指令,透過緩慢、柔和的體位法與呼吸法練習,練習者卸下平日累積的思緒與壓力,緩緩的讓身體、內在都進​入放鬆狀態,進入更深層​的舒緩與放鬆。於短短的1 小時練習後,練習者將會感受到精神的提升與活力的恢復,心情​變的輕鬆愉悅。

Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, body laid down in Shavasana and completely relaxed, and only the hearing of the practitioner still connects to the instructions given by instructor. The practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions. After practice, stress eased,  body energised, and practitioner will be filled with joy.

Pregnancy Yoga

Class upon request. Class description is coming soon.


Mother & Baby Yoga

Class upon request. Class description is coming soon.


Post-Natal Yoga

Class upon request. Class description is coming soon.


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